Friday, October 16, 2009

a simple me

"The darkest part of the day comes a minute before sunrise. If you ever find yourself in the darkest moment of your life, worry not because the dawn is just a minute away."

...a happy go lucky person… a true blooded taurus.
...maybe i'm not that perfect but that doesn't mean that i did not take the effort to be the best.
...a creative type of people who always try to be unique but tend to blend himself with crowd.
...loves his family and friends more than himself.

I'm always in pursuit of happiness. Only to realize that such "happiness" is not what I'm looking for.
I'm always in search of love. Only to realize that such "love" was not in search of me.
I'm always thinking that I'm doing it right.. Only to realize that the world does not recognize what is "right".
I'm always dreaming that good things would last forever. Only to realize that they were not meant to be.
I'm always afraid to face the reality. Only to realize that behind the harsh reality I would be able to find the rare hope
I love taking picture of many things especially the images of the saints and the churches and beaches. I love to upload my pictures in my friendster and facebook account.
There is so much inside of me for you to discover that I will not be able to put it all here. I'm more than that guy you see in the above photos. To make it more complicated, those pictures do not represent my totality. No words or sentences can fully describe me. Even what you are reading now does not reflect my real personality. I am deep. I am complex. I am unpredictable. You will never know me.
I am a instructor.
I am the photographer looking for a perfect angle of life and love.
A simple and quiet guy who sees himself as an uncut diamond waiting to be polished. I may not be perfect in a many ways. Yet, I always try my best to shine.

I strongly believe that: LOVE is the only thing that you have more by giving it away mydesire SIMPLIFY THE COMPLEXITIES OF LIFE AND FIND THE END OF THE RAINBOW IN ONE SUNNY DAY.
To DISCOVER my real purpose in life and to LEAD a meaningful life driven by that purpose.
To SHARE my success with the people who matters to me and SEE those people grow and realize their dreams.
To SHINE brightly like a star in the dark sky and FEEL the warm embrace of the clouds I love.
I desire RESPECT.
To be able to show the world that we are not different. Just like anybody else we know how to love and we commit mistakes. Being one is not an option, but to show out is a choice. It's not easy to be one. It's not hiding you in pretension. To accept what you are and let other people know it despite all the odds is a great display of honesty. People often think that we are living in a world of illusion but the truth is we are only trying to be ourselves.
I desire FREEDOM.
Freedom to express what I truly feel.
Freedom to move in a small world.
Freedom to create my own decision.
Freedom to live by my own rules.
I would like to meet open-minded individuals who will accept me for who I am not who they want me to be. Looks may capture the eyes but it is the personality that captures the heart.
> I want to see my family and friends live happily and to be able to share my achievements to people who touches my life in one way or another.
> I want to know more about life and be able to understand it and all of its complexities.
> I would like get closer to God and lead a meaningful and colorful life with Him.
"The journey is more important than the arrival"
Don't spend all your time focusing on your goals. Enjoy what happens to you along the way and give thanks to the people you meet, the places you visit, and the experiences you have.
I'm gonna be the love that's gonna last And be the one that got your back Ain't nothing ever that bad that we won't be together And though we both made our mistakes And some we never wish we made But we'll be okay if we just stay togethe...wapak =P